The BBB Wise Giving Alliance’s Wise Giving Wednesday last week featured the “Donate With Honor” press conference held at the Washington DC office of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) along with state Attorneys General and state charity regulators. Among other things, the conference sought to educate donors by helping them avoid misleading charity appeals and find trustworthy charities. This week, we’ll take a closer look at one of the featured cases: VietNow National Headquarters. This Illinois-based veterans charity was forced to stop operations after a November 2017 action collectively taken by 24 states led by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan. Continue reading “BBB Wise Giving Alliance – Wise Giving Wednesday: Donate With Honor – Shutdown of Illinois Veterans Charity”
FTC and States Announce National Initiative to Combat Fraudulent Charities That Falsely Claim to Help Veterans and Servicemembers
The Federal Trade Commission, along with NASCO and law enforcement officials and charity regulators from 70 offices in every state, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam and Puerto Rico, announced more than 100 actions and a consumer education initiative in “Operation Donate with Honor,” a crackdown on fraudulent charities that con consumers by falsely promising their donations will help veterans and servicemembers. Continue reading “FTC and States Announce National Initiative to Combat Fraudulent Charities That Falsely Claim to Help Veterans and Servicemembers”
NEBRASKA – AGO Files Consent Judgment and Issues Report at Conclusion of Goodwill Omaha Investigation
Lincoln – Today, Attorney General Peterson was joined by AAG Meghan Stoppel who heads the Consumer Protection Division in the Attorney Generals’ Office to announce the issuance of a report and the filing of a Consent Judgment in Douglas County District Court against Goodwill Industries, Inc. and Goodwill Specialty Services, Inc. (collectively Goodwill Omaha). The Consent Judgment contains a number of remedial actions which Goodwill Omaha will be expected to take to address concerns cited by the Nebraska Attorney General’s Office (AGO) and to ensure Goodwill Omaha’s future compliance with the law.
Read entire press release here.
New York – Attorney General Underwood Announces Lawsuit Against Donald J. Trump Foundation And Its Board Of Directors For Extensive And Persistent Violations Of State And Federal Law
Lawsuit Seeks Restitution of $2.8 Million Plus Penalties
AG’s Office Sends Referral Letters to Internal Revenue Service and Federal Election Commission for Further Investigation and Legal Action
In Light Of Misconduct And Total Lack of Oversight, Lawsuit Seeks To Dissolve Donald J. Trump Foundation and Bar Donald J. Trump And Members Of Trump Foundation’s Board Of Directors From Serving On Board Of Any Other New York Charity Continue reading “New York – Attorney General Underwood Announces Lawsuit Against Donald J. Trump Foundation And Its Board Of Directors For Extensive And Persistent Violations Of State And Federal Law”
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE – Former Charity Executive Pleads Guilty to Bribery and Embezzlement Scheme
A former executive of a Springfield, Missouri charity, who was also an Arkansas lobbyist, pleaded guilty in federal court today to bribing Arkansas elected officials in a multi-million-dollar scheme, and then along with other charity executives, embezzling millions of dollars from the Springfield health care organization.