New York Attorney General Announces $25 Million Settlement With National Veterans Charity And Its Direct Mail Fundraisers

Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced that his office has secured a $24.6 million settlement of his Charities Bureau’s investigation into direct mail fundraising abuses at what has become one of the country’s largest veterans’ charities, the Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF). The abuses, the investigation found – including misleading solicitations and failure to disclose conflicts of interest –were perpetrated by DVNF’s two outside, for-profit direct mail vendors, Quadriga Art and Convergence Direct Marketing.  Continue reading “New York Attorney General Announces $25 Million Settlement With National Veterans Charity And Its Direct Mail Fundraisers”

National Association of Attorneys General: Letter on the Pension Protection Act of 2006 Provisions Regarding Information

Sharing Between the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and State Charity Regulators (Attorneys General)

“We write to express our collective desire that Congress amend the provisions of sections 6103, 6104 and 7213 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). This request is intended to enhance the effectiveness of state charity regulators as well as the IRS by enabling state regulators to more freely use information shared by the IRS.”

To read the full letter click here.